From my Audit file notes
Audit Division Overview and Protocols
Secretary of State Richardson
Secretary of State Agency Leadership Team
Kip Memmot Audits Director
Audit Division Website
Chief Information Officer Roland Rivera
Division of Audits ORS 297.010
Functions and Duties of the Division of Audits
Audit Division Overview and Protocols
Audit Division Staffing Directory and Contact Information
Inspector General for Integrity and Accountability in Idaho
Idaho? This blog entry is about Oregon! I include this to draw a reference comparison between a state that has an OIG and Oregon that does not. Oregon's only official OIG is OIG for Oregon Prisons. The Secretary of State Audit Division has OIG type responsibilities and functions but perhaps not the broad authority to look at State of Oregon performance beyond the financial domain? Both Oregon and Idaho focus on Waste, Fraud and Abuse. Oregon does it from within the Audit Division. Idaho does it within the OIG. Is Idaho scope of authority greater than Oregon's. Greater to the extent that it goes into more subjective areas of analysis beyond the objective analysis of financial operation and compliance? Is there a need for an agency with a broader subjective authority that asks the question: Are State of Oregon Agencies complying with the intent of OAR law guidance in the formation of their ORS administrative authority to apply OAR? This scope of authority seems to be in the broader generic domain of an Office of Inspector General?
This proposed 2016 legislation intended to establish a new Chapter (6) in the Idaho Code for an OIG Office. The intent of the Office is to to investigate waste fraud and abuse for the purpose of bringing criminal charges. There is a broader scope of investigation that looks at the application of OAR to ORS implementation of OAR that does not involve prosecutable action in a finding of Waste Fraud and Abuse. That broader scope would find failure by default or design in the State Agency to apply the intent, guidance and specific OAR law to the implementation and administration of OAR by their ORS.
Maybe call whatever that entity might be: Agency of ORS compliance with OAR and ORS and OAR compliance by local county and city levels. Or some better terms to express the concept of a Quality Assurance Agency.
The growth of automated Management Information Systems as a tool began in the domain of finance. Number crunchers got better with an adding machine then IBM punch cards progressing to the tools of the Information Age that deal with improved efficiency of objective financial number crunching and presentation of Financial Management Information but have also vastly improved the metric evaluation of qualitative Management Analysis. How well is the broader system supported by and described by the financial management designed and functioning?
Management Systems that once had Finance as a predominant point of management point of entry to the enterprise information structure and operation now have a multitude of points of entry beyond the balance sheet to evaluate, maintain and improve system effectiveness and performance. Systems that identify and faults and opportunities for improvement in the Information Operating System and its Application.
The model of course is Operating System and Application Program relationship. Client Server Relationship. The general public is increasingly aware of the model relationship of machine based computer Operating System to Application Programs that serve them. What they do not see at the user level is that the entire Big System is a structure of physical and conceptual higher levels of the system where there are many upper levels of Application Programs at each higher level serving Operating Systems that in turn are Application Programs serving their higher level Operating System. It is like levels of Oregon governance from citizen to city/county to State Agency level to Legislative level to Constitutional level.
The essential tool to how this all designed and implemented and operates at all levels of the system is a Feed Back Loop
More broadly described by this term search:
What is lacking in the Oregon ORS, OAR and local government county and local system of governance structure design and function necessary to improve the system for the common good
An effective and efficient "Feedback Loop" system. That system provides for positive and negative feedback relating to system design and structure as well as operation. Design and function have a direct relationship in serving the Common Good.
Feedback Loops are tools of change. Change is a forward looking challenge that poses new and better opportunities of benefit. It also is a backward looking statement that says the legacy system may have been dysfunctional to the benefit of sub-optimized intent. Those that will no longer have the benefit of sub-optimization at the expense of greater general system benefit will be reluctant to change and will resist it.
Col. Boyd knew the importance of the Feedback Loop and its application to solving problems
My prior blog entry about Boyd:
It was suggested that I go over to the Pentagon and meet him. Wish I had done that.
Audit Division Overview and Protocols
Secretary of State Richardson
Secretary of State Agency Leadership Team
Kip Memmot Audits Director
Audit Division Website
Chief Information Officer Roland Rivera
Division of Audits ORS 297.010
Functions and Duties of the Division of Audits
Audit Division Overview and Protocols
Audit Division Staffing Directory and Contact Information
Inspector General for Integrity and Accountability in Idaho
Idaho? This blog entry is about Oregon! I include this to draw a reference comparison between a state that has an OIG and Oregon that does not. Oregon's only official OIG is OIG for Oregon Prisons. The Secretary of State Audit Division has OIG type responsibilities and functions but perhaps not the broad authority to look at State of Oregon performance beyond the financial domain? Both Oregon and Idaho focus on Waste, Fraud and Abuse. Oregon does it from within the Audit Division. Idaho does it within the OIG. Is Idaho scope of authority greater than Oregon's. Greater to the extent that it goes into more subjective areas of analysis beyond the objective analysis of financial operation and compliance? Is there a need for an agency with a broader subjective authority that asks the question: Are State of Oregon Agencies complying with the intent of OAR law guidance in the formation of their ORS administrative authority to apply OAR? This scope of authority seems to be in the broader generic domain of an Office of Inspector General?
This proposed 2016 legislation intended to establish a new Chapter (6) in the Idaho Code for an OIG Office. The intent of the Office is to to investigate waste fraud and abuse for the purpose of bringing criminal charges. There is a broader scope of investigation that looks at the application of OAR to ORS implementation of OAR that does not involve prosecutable action in a finding of Waste Fraud and Abuse. That broader scope would find failure by default or design in the State Agency to apply the intent, guidance and specific OAR law to the implementation and administration of OAR by their ORS.
Maybe call whatever that entity might be: Agency of ORS compliance with OAR and ORS and OAR compliance by local county and city levels. Or some better terms to express the concept of a Quality Assurance Agency.
The growth of automated Management Information Systems as a tool began in the domain of finance. Number crunchers got better with an adding machine then IBM punch cards progressing to the tools of the Information Age that deal with improved efficiency of objective financial number crunching and presentation of Financial Management Information but have also vastly improved the metric evaluation of qualitative Management Analysis. How well is the broader system supported by and described by the financial management designed and functioning?
Management Systems that once had Finance as a predominant point of management point of entry to the enterprise information structure and operation now have a multitude of points of entry beyond the balance sheet to evaluate, maintain and improve system effectiveness and performance. Systems that identify and faults and opportunities for improvement in the Information Operating System and its Application.
The model of course is Operating System and Application Program relationship. Client Server Relationship. The general public is increasingly aware of the model relationship of machine based computer Operating System to Application Programs that serve them. What they do not see at the user level is that the entire Big System is a structure of physical and conceptual higher levels of the system where there are many upper levels of Application Programs at each higher level serving Operating Systems that in turn are Application Programs serving their higher level Operating System. It is like levels of Oregon governance from citizen to city/county to State Agency level to Legislative level to Constitutional level.
The essential tool to how this all designed and implemented and operates at all levels of the system is a Feed Back Loop
More broadly described by this term search:
What is lacking in the Oregon ORS, OAR and local government county and local system of governance structure design and function necessary to improve the system for the common good
An effective and efficient "Feedback Loop" system. That system provides for positive and negative feedback relating to system design and structure as well as operation. Design and function have a direct relationship in serving the Common Good.
Feedback Loops are tools of change. Change is a forward looking challenge that poses new and better opportunities of benefit. It also is a backward looking statement that says the legacy system may have been dysfunctional to the benefit of sub-optimized intent. Those that will no longer have the benefit of sub-optimization at the expense of greater general system benefit will be reluctant to change and will resist it.
Col. Boyd knew the importance of the Feedback Loop and its application to solving problems
My prior blog entry about Boyd:
It was suggested that I go over to the Pentagon and meet him. Wish I had done that.
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