Designated Forestland Special Assessment 2018-19 $79.38
I am a citizen interested in examining the Forestland Special Assessment. Oregon property tax is a complex system but intended by legislative design and administrative implementation to be just and equitable. How it operates is something else. My examination began with 71 acres of Designated Forestland within the City of Bend. That is a contradictory situation because the intent of legislation to protect Forestland from urban encroachment results in a paradox! A situation that possibly apples in many other counties as well. My examination method is structured on the placement of $79.38 in the middle of an interactive entity relationship map and then finding all the relationships that both produce this value as well as result from application of $79.38 per acre in the property tax computation. A difficult thing to do. It becomes easier with information tech tools and crowdsourced collaborating workers. Bend is a growing tech town. $79....