
$79.38 Designated Forestland Special Assessment

Almost a year now.  This is dragging on for too long.  Now with a recent BPRD Board decision to proceed with the Southern Connection of the Deschutes River Trail Conflict Assessment Report. The bigger issue is property tax Special Assessments for Designated Forestland of $79.38 per acre and private gain at public expense by residents on the other side of the river and developers like NWX2.

Bulletin Comment Citizen access to public data is essential to monitor and improve our own self governance systems. Legislative intent ORS, OAR application at state and local levels is intended to serve the citizens of Oregon. Open government data available for public analysis is not simply information to look at. It is data tables for citizens to do their own research using data management and analysis tools.   Data driven E-Government is coming to Oregon. What has not been apparent and hidden by design or default will be revealed when all data silos are aggregated in a cloud and open for free public access and analysis. That is happening now at .   Extreme glaring examples of private gain at public expense are self evident now in local data silos.  An examination of public county property tax records available on line at https://dial.deschute...

Prior Designated Forestland Correspondence

Mr. Matthew Frison, Timber Appraiser Analyst, DOR Thank you for your invitation that came to me via the Deschutes County Assessor to discuss application requirements and continuing qualifications for  DOR Forestland designation.  While researching some Bend, Oregon taxlot properties for another purpose I noted their forestland designation and learned of their associated assessment rules by which the Deschutes County Assessor computes property taxes.     For reference I have attached to this email the taxlot properties I examined.   My research concluded that these properties should not have been qualified for Forestland assessment.  My email to the Deschutes County Assessor which he referred to you contended that while 2 acres are explicitly specified as a minimum requirement for application meeting the follow on description of 20 % acreage stocking requirements over a given period of time is not possible in the case of the attached propert...

Prior Correspondence Director, Bend Community Development Department

Mr Langton; My primarily interest is in designated forestland property assessments within the city limits of Bend. Your explanations related to state/county levels were very valuable in understanding how they apply at the city level.   My email, copy to you, (attached) addressed to Russell Grayson brought to his attention the matter of designated forestland within the city as a dis-allowed land use and therefore a code violation.  He has not yet responded.   If and when it is in fact found to be a code violation then the obvious remedy is your revocation of the forestland designation? That is something I would like to discuss with you, at your convenience, as well as some other matters regarding designated forestland land assessments within the city of Bend. I am available at any time for that discussion. Tim Lester 541-948-5250 On May 24, 2017, at 9:24 AM, Scot Langton < > wrote: Mr. Lester Thank you f...